Trash Art – Gorka Ostojić Cvajner
We could have been led and seduced, from the perspective of this exhibition, by his previous balanced, serene painting, which patinates time to thematize and problematize the relationships and collisions between the present and the past.
Memento Mundi 1972/2002 – Gorka Ostojić Cvajner
The figurative and narrative artist of pop art provenance today is a poet of metaphysics and symbolism in the painting of memory. He is a skilled user of historical quotes in a historical and environmental context that Poreč has challengingly and directly offered to him.
Street Art – Branko Mrkušić
We got to know Eugen Varzić, a native of Poreč, maybe even in reverse, through some of his works exhibited at group exhibitions in Istria. He revealed himself powerfully with interesting artwo
The important stylistic-formal leap in Trashart – Branko Mrkušić
In the Small Gallery of the Poreč Open University, Eugen Varzić exhibited about ten three-dimensional illustrations, sculptures, frizzes, and reliefs collectively named Trashart (art of …
The Chaos of Our Time – Tatjana Arambašin Slišković
It seems that these paintings want to reveal to us the world of speed, technology, skyscrapers, cars, and the constant rush that characterizes our time. As the painter is also involved in photography, he often incorporates them into his paintings and redefines them with color,