Wall painting
Wall painting can be performed on internal and external surfaces. Depending on the substrate, the wall must be pre-committed. Once the wall is ready, it …
Portraits are mainly created based on a template (photograph) and can be family, children’s, or personal portraits. Recommended formats are 40×30 cm and 70×50 cm, …
Comission painting
Custom-made paintings vary in motifs, some are made according to a template, a photograph, or the teacher gives absolute artistic freedom when creating a work …
My Dreams and Confessions – Vinicije Lupis
Dreams, light as those in the midsummer night, or heavy and gloomy from the depths of winter, open up a diverse gallery of characters.
Another world – dr.sc.Vinicije B. LupisDrugi svijet – dr.sc.Vinicije B. Lupis
In Eugen Varzić’s new cycle of paintings, a recognizable note of engagement is present, but at the same time, there is a distance from the everyday, manifested in philosophical contemplation of the world surrounding him.
Another world – Marino Baldini
The work of the artist with a very rich opus involves different cycles exploring a whole range of expressions.
Visualizations of Moments – Eugen V. Borkovsky
As we walk through the gallery and confront Eugen Varzić’s artworks, we become witnesses to a story of experience.